Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Coming back to life.

Hey how are you..
I'm doing is good...
keep in touch...take care

Did you just think of me again...
do I still matter to you?
do you not have someone else now,
Am I not an after thought?

People still ask me what happened;
I say I don't know, but all I do know is;
you entered my life, reached my heart,
plucked my heart and threw it away.

And all I ask for is my life...
the one you snatched away;
I'm sick of crying....
I'm glad I'm not drinking....

I wish I had it in me to tell you;
"Excuse me, but you are in my way"
and to shout out aloud -
"I can get someone better than you"...

But I am weak and hurt;
and I know I cannot wait longer,
I have to grow stronger,
taller, better, faster, smarter.

And there are things I will cherish;
You touched me in ways no one ever could.
but its time I go away'
Its time to say goodbye....

And everytime I move away I get your mail:

Hey how are you..
I'm doing is good...
keep in touch...take care